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The Key to Team Success
As a leader, you know the importance of having a team of people who are dedicated and provide the very best work they can, whether that be with teammates or delivering an assignment. The best employees are committed to helping others reach their goals whilst improving themselves as individuals....
Tech startups that are disrupting the Life Sciences industry in the UK
What are Life Sciences startups? The Life Sciences Tech has over 4.7K+ startups, that comprise of companies which provide digital solutions to life sciences industry, including pharmaceutical, medical devices, diagnostics and Life Sciences instruments.
The Golden Triangle UK - An Overview
What is the golden triangle?  The golden triangle is a term used to describe the science, technology and innovation cluster in the southeast of England which is made up of Oxford, Cambridge and London. The golden triangle has been named as one of the top 25 clusters in the world....
A Northern Powerhouse for Life Sciences?
What is the Northern Powerhouse? The Northern Powerhouse is the government's vision for a super-connected, globally competitive northern economy to create a unified economic region, that could compete with other European countries for investment in industries, which was proposed by the 2010-2015 co...
How can data improve patient care?
Data is one of the most valuable resources in the healthcare industry. It can be used to help improve patient care and reduce waste, which ultimately leads to less complications during treatment....
The key to unlocking the potential of data in Life Sciences industry
3 Keys to Unlock the Potential of Big Data in the Life Sciences Industry. Find out how the unprecedented growth of big data and the shift to a knowledge-based economy offer big opportunities for Life Sciences companies.
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